Answer: D
GDP per capita is a measure of a country's economic output that accounts for its number of people.
The unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed workers in the total labor force.
The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths under one year of age.
Given the above information, a country with a higher GDP would have a more stable economy aiding in growth. A lower unemployment rate would show a surplus of jobs indicating, once again, a steady and growing economy. Lastly, a lower infant mortality rate would show access to advanced medicine and a highly trained medical field. All three of these examples are indicators of a highly developed country.
The middle ages became to fall to changes by being invaded and overruled by other countries. It as well as had new discoveries and new lands were found.The middle ages also was refered to the golden age but later became the dark ages because now we have lost what they have made but we know they had made new technologies.
Gorbachev's reforms are ultimately responsible for the Soviet collapse, which saw the end of Soviet superpower status, a massive reduction in the Soviet military's size and strength, the unilateral evacuation of all territories in Central and Eastern Europe occupied at great human cost in the Second World War, and a rapidly declining economy fragmented into fifteen separate states. Much of the argument that the Soviet political system and economy needed reform needed change to avoid collapse came directly from him - the phrase "Era of Stagnation" to describe the Brezhnev years is actually a piece of Gorbachev's rhetoric. However there seems to be a strong case (made by Stephen Kotkin in Armageddon Averted), that while the Soviet economy was growing at ever slower rates, and increasingly unable to close the ever-present gap in living standards between the USSR and the West, probably could have continued to muddle on - there was no imminent danger of political and economic collapse in 1985. It's also important to note that Gorbachev's reforms did not cause the collapse of the USSR on purpose, and Gorbachev was always committed to maintaining the union in some reformed shape under an economic system that was still socialist. However, his reforms both began to pick apart the centralized economy without really creating new institutions, which caused severe economic disruptions, and his political reforms unleashed new political movements outside his control, while all of these reforms antagonized more hardline members of the nomenklatura (party establishment). Ultimately he lost control of the situation. The Soviet system was highly-centralized and governed in a top-down approach, and it was Gorbachev who put reforms into motion and also removed members of the Soviet government and Communist party who opposed reforms. Gorbachev's period tends to get divided into roughly three periods: a period of reform, a period of transformation, and a period of collapse. The period of reform lasted roughly from 1985 to 1988, in which Gorbachev and his supporters in the government (notably Eduard Shevardnadze, Gorbachev's foreign minister and the future President of Georgi, and Aleksandr Yakovlev, Gorbachev's ally on the Politburo and the intellectual driver of reforms) tried a mixture of moderate reforms and moral suasion to revitalize the Soviet economy as it was, echoing Khrushchev's reforms of 20 years previous. While the goal was a revitalization of Soviet society and the economy, there was a very strong focus on morality: this period notably featured the anti-alcoholism/prohibition campaign, and very public campaigns against corruption (Dmitry Furman called this a "sort of Marxist Protestantism"). When these efforts did not secure the results that Gorbachev and his reformers desired, more far-reaching reforms were pursued in the 1988-1990 period. This is when Gorbachev made massive changes to Soviet foreign policy, such as withdrawing from Afghanistan in 1989, announcing unilateral cuts to military spending and forces at the UN in 1988, and more or less cutting the USSR's Eastern European satellite states in 1989. On the domestic sphere, this is when Gorbachev pushed through major political changes to the Soviet system, pushing through a new Congress of People's Deputies to be filled through semi-free elections, removing the Communist Party's monopoly of power and creating the office of President of the USSR for himself in 1990. This is also the period when glasnost ("openness", ie the lifting of censorship) took off, and these all were largely attempts to establish a new base of support for continued reforms once it became clear to Gorbachev that most of the Communist Party was uninterested in this. These reforms ushered in the 1990-1991 chaos, at which point Gorbachev essentially lost control. Falling oil prices and the crackdown on alcohol sales (which were a massive part of the Soviet budget), plus Gorbachev's loosening of management and sales restrictions on state firms while maintaining most of their subsidies, plus plans for importing of new Western machine tools and technology to revitalize the economy, seriously destabilized the Soviet budget, and caused the government to turn to the printing presses to cover ever increasing deficits.
Which set of numbers can be the lengths of the the sides of a triangle?(13,4,19)(7,4,15)(11,4,18)(5,13,17)
Answer: 2) Minimum Gas Mileage for Vehicles
The Elastic Clause gives the Federal Government the flexibility it needs to exercise powers that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution by giving them the power to pass laws that they believe will help them exercise their mandate as the Federal Government.
Seeing as the Constitution already gives the Federal Government the power to approve Foreign treaties as well as oversight over equipment for the Armed forces and powers over the declaration of war, the only law that can be created under the Elastic clause is a Minimum Gas Mileage for Vehicles.