I'm currently reading O Pioneers in my lit class, how can I help?
Dear (said friend),
Hey, I hope your well, I know we haven't talked in a while so im sending his letter to "break the ice". I also wanted to tell you that I got a scholarship and im going to be doing study abroad in Paris! Im actually on the plane while im writing this so by the time you get this ill be sending you another postcard/letter of all the wonderful things im going to see and explore. Well I have to get off my plane now but let me know how youve been. Miss ya.
from (your name here)
1. Can
2. make
3. over
4. here
5. Give
6. nights
7. check
8. stayed
9. Executive
10. floor
11. credit
12. number
13. address
14. reserved
- Correct decision:
E). Mario should not use the source.
- Justification:
H). It has not been peer reviewed.
While conducting research, it is necessary to ensure the credibility of the sources as it may affect the worth or significance of the research. In order to ensure the reliability of the source, peer-reviewed sources are considered scholarly and authentic, as it contains information written or approved by a team of experts.
In the given situation, Mario should be suggested, not to use the source with a justification that it has not been peer-reviewed that implies, it has not been reviewed by the experts. This makes the source less reliable and hence should not be used for the research.
Writing essays for school