Golden Ages are periods of great flourishing for an empire, periods during which everything seems to be working just perfectly. They are represented by periods during which your civilization receives bonus Production, Gold, and. Culture for a limited number of turns.
The correct answer is:
According to the information given by the US census bureau, the population of the country will be distributed by the year 2042 as a majority constituted by non-Hispanic white individuals. It is important to take into consideration that this information is mainly based in statistics and presuppositions according to the behavior of the growing population in the last years, nevertheless, it would be impossible to give an exact prediction of the data regarding the distribution of racial and ethnic diversity of the country in the coming future.
Beginning in the 1700s,settlers used waterways to travel the region. They also build towns along the waterways.
When movies and television shows depict scenes of soldiers on the frontier, they should include African American actors. African American regiments frequently were sent into the Southwest and Great Plains, the most famous of which would be the Buffalo Soldiers. The Buffalo Soldiers were member of all-African American cavalry regiments who partook in many of the battle during the Indian Wars in the mid- to late-1800s.