For starters, Sir Gawain is not as noble as Beowulf. While Beowulf is presented as a great and noble warrior, we see Gawain as a bit of a proud hasty warrior that feels superior to anyone, seen in Arthur's hall when he just wants to fight without even thinking about it, and we can also see that he's very human considering how he made the mistake in Green king's court when he lied about the kiss and was scared. Beowulf on the other hand is an idealized warrior whose only mistake is in the end when his Hubris gets the best of him. The hubris wasn't a problem in his youth because his body and skill could follow his endeavors.
The answer is below
A hazard is anything that has a harmful effect or that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, wet substances, sharp objects, fire, noise pollution, etc.
A risk is the chance either high or low, that somebody could be harmed by the hazard.
From the list, both risk and hazards are being identified:
1. Electricals - hazards
2. Trips - risk
3. Spillage of wet substances - hazards
4. Falls - risk
5. Scissors - hazards
6. Pric k - risk
7. Knife - hazard
8. Cutting cloth - risk
9. Cloth dust - risk
10. Fire - risk
Creates an internal conflict
i will but what will I get for this if I do so
what will I gain
Answer: The dependent clause is -> "Although she can sing well."
Hope that helped :)
Explanation: This is because dependent clauses are fragments.