Gisela is suffering from mood swings. Unfortunately, they can happen quite often with depressed individuals. :(
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Tribute was a means of ensuring that a conquered territory would stay loyal to their new leadership. The Incas viewed tribute as one of the most important parts of their system. So important was it for them to impose tribute on everyone, that no one was exempt from their requirements.
According to Virginia Woolf, the two main reasons for difficulty in developing a professional identity for women are the expectations of society and the expectations of self. In other words, if it is generally thought that women belonged in the home then that is a negative factor which makes it difficult for women to become a professional. On the other hand, if a woman has a low self-esteem then it will be harder for her to improve herself and obtain a professional status. I believe these two factors are still in existence today but now the expectations of women has improved somewhat to believe that they can fulfil a successful role as a professional and not just be a child-rearer ie that she can now do both with the assistance of her husband who must take on more of the household chores to give her the time and peace of mind to develop herself professionally.