Adverbial clause
An adverbial clause is a subtype of dependent clauses and it functions as an adverb in a sentence. Usually, it has both a subject and a verb.
In this case, we have an<em> adverbial clause of concession </em>marked with subordinating conjunction<em> even though</em>. Some other conjunctions used in this type of clause are: after, if, although, unless, so...that, as if, since...
Besides the adverbial clause of concession, we have also the adverbial clauses of time, place, manner, comparison, purpose...
Anne, because she is always trying to pet his cat and writing in her journal.
Since Anne is always trying to hurt the cat and always writing in her diary, Peter thinks she is a friendly and sensitive person who will understand his feelings about everything that is happening. He sees Anne as a person he can talk to and express himself with, so he thinks she is trustworthy and willing to be the same kind of trusted company for her.
Last week, we met several fascinating people at the conference.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who had lived in a castle.
I've owned this answer phone for three years.
They haven't sold all the tickets to the Cup Final.