distance and angle such that points equally distant from a fixed. point lie on a line and lines making a given angle with a fixed line pass. through a point. On account of this property we have called this. distance linear.
1. You can take photos of parades or any other type of festival that is going on in your hometown or where you’re visiting to tell the story of the culture in the area you are at.
2.You can take photos of landscapes to tell the story of the different nature around you and the place you are at (hometown or vacation).
3.You can also take photos of man-made buildings/objects to show the story of architecture and design from newer or older buildings/objects.
for better research go to under NOAA -
This is a short paraphrased summary of the article about ice cores in that website.
Answer: Researchers in labs may melt or crush bits of the ice core a little at a time, each deeper layer shows the time in the Earth's climate history. Tiny pieces of pollution, metals, radoiactive fallout, pebbles, sea salt, volcanic ash and even air bubbles all present important information that researchers can look for to track changes in the atmosphere's composition and temperature.
Convergent Boundaries
The place where two plates come together, or converge, is called a convergent boundary. When two plates converge, the result is called a collision. When two plates collide, the density of the plates determines which one comes out on top.