The correct option is C. When accepting a catering job, the interest of the client should be the highest priority, a cantering contractor ought to have all that is needed for her to deliver her job perfectly. In the question given above, the cantering contractor does not have the capacity to handle the job she is been offered, the best thing for her to do is to refer the client to a caterer that have the capacity to handle the job.
They meet up in secret. Their great-great grandparents fought in opposite sides of the war. They will run away and leave notes saying they will only return when they will be allowed to marry. But then as they write the notes, Arlechino misplaces a comma. His mother knows this must be serious because he never does so. So she sets out to find him. As she is walking down the road she gets hit by a car. She then has to go to the hospital. Luckily, she only has a broken rib. After she got hit, though, she passed out and met an angel who told her to let them marry, so she does. They all live happily ever after. THE END.
The discovery of coyolxauhqui's stone monolith showed her decapitated body. It is naked with monsters at her joints. Her head wears a feathered head dress adorned with balls and bells. She wears elaborate earrings, fancy sandals and bracelets and a serpent belt. This monolith at the bottom of the temple signifies the defeat of Coyolxauhqui by her sibling Huitzilopochtli. As coyolxauhqui's body was thrown off the mountain and consequently her body broke to pieces, thus is the symbolism behind the monolith.
Andrew Geller/1957 Long Island NY................
I say B hope this helps and have a nice day