To skip a line, then write the rest like this!
See? Good spacing, right?
A hub is used to send the message from one port to other ports.It does not know the specific address of the destination where the message needs to works on Physical layer of the OSI model(layer 1).
A switch can handle data and it knows the specific address of the destination.A switch works on the data link Layer of the OSI model(layer 2).
Answer is
By topic, By collection.
Refer below.
Quick SearchLinks to an external site. lets you refine or narrow your search results using links on the right side of the screen. Do a search on wind power. Some criteria that can refine your search results in Quick Search are:
By topic
By collection
Not sure how to answer this. But shaggy was quite amazing.
click on Design tab → select associated shape → adjust color
I think it is that but i'm not positive. I will know in a little bit since I am taking the test right now.