All of theseeeeeeeeeeeeee
1. check for breathing/pulse (if none start CPR)
2. call for help (& AED if doing CPR)
3. protect c-spine
4. try to get info (who is the person/are they alone?)
(I dont know how detailed it needs to be but thats the first few things you should do)
Which diet is most likely to improve your health?
<em> A. a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods B. refined grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds </em>
Yes it would be a good choice because it’s fat free
<span>When the decision and the actions that follow this decision affect other people, not only yourself, then this decision impacts them, either positively or negatively. Positive impact would have my decision to spend my money - to use them to help the homeless man. </span>