The supernatural condition whereby a human transforms into a wolf is called a werewolf.
A. DDoS Attacks
A zombie, in computer terminology, is a hacker, computer worm, trojan horse, or virus compromised internet connected computer, which can be remotely directed to perform malicious tasks
E-mail spams and denial-of-service, DoS attacks are spread and launched by botnets of zombie computers
Botnets which are also known as "zombie army", are used by hackers mainly for spam and distributed-denial-of-service, DDoS, attacks
While a DoS attack involves one machine, while a DDoS attack consist of multiple computing devices and machines
A botherder is the originator of a botnet and common botnets include Mr Black. Pushdo, and cyclone
When the transmission exceeds 667 packets
In computer networking, a packet is a chunk of data transmitted across the network. The packet size of an Ethernet network is 1.5kilobytes, while the packet size of an IP packet payload is 64 kilobytes.
A switch is a physical network device that connects nodes or workstations while communicating the packets (or frames). The I/O bus size bandwidth is 1Gbps which allows approximately 667 packets. Once this packet size is crossed, the bus becomes a limiting factor or bottle neck.
Using the knowledge of computational language in python it is possible to write a code that write (define) a public static method named countup, that takes one int argument and returns no value.
<h3>Writting the code:</h3>
<em>public class </em><em>Main</em>
<em>public static void main(</em><em>String</em><em>[] args) {</em>
<em>// testing the method </em><em>countDown </em><em>with values 5, 6, 1</em>
<em />
<em>public static void </em><em>countDown</em><em>(int num)</em>
<em>for (int i=1 ; i<=num ; i++) // for </em><em>loop </em><em>iterates from 1 to num</em>
<em>System.out.print(i+","); // prints num followed by comma ,</em>
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