'Get tough' policy against Russia and stop spread of communism.
'Get tough' policy against Russia and stop spread of communism are the actions taken by Truman which demonstrated that his policies were harsher than Roosevelt's policies. Truman said that to contain the spread of communism around the world, the United States of America will use economy and militarily so these actions tell us that Truman policies were harsher than Roosevelt's.
Tourism and Restaurant career cluster.
Tourism which is an age long profession engaged by many companies tries to ensure that, the relics of the ancient civilizations are shown to the tourist inorder to bring the experience of those times closer to them.
<em>Most times, the people who engages in such commonly known as travel agent arranges for touristic visitations only with the tourist left to cater for his or lodging (accomodation) and feeding while at that particular place. However, in a situation whereby the airfare from the tourist's place of residence to the tourist's country of visit, the lodging and feeding is inculcated into the tourist package, such arragement is mostly done to ease the stress of the tourists.</em>
<em> The industries that offer such complete package is collectively known as Tourism and Restaurant career cluster. The travel agent enters into partnership with the various sectors inorder to achieve this vacation arragement.</em>
Because Mexico as well as the lost territories (including California or Texas) is a resource-rich country, with several minerals and pasture land.
The federal elimination of the Tariff of 1828 and a gradual reduction on import taxes over a decade.
The Eastern Woodlands is a cultural area of the indigenous people of North America. The Eastern Woodlands extended roughly from the Atlantic Ocean to the eastern Great Plains, and from the Great Lakes region to the Gulf of Mexico, which is now occupied by the eastern United States and Canada.[1] The Plains Indians culture area is to the west; the Subarctic area to the north. The Indigenous people of the Eastern Woodlands spoke languages belonging to several language groups, including Algonquian,[2] Iroquoian,[2] Muskogean, and Siouan, as well as apparently isolated languages such as Calusa, Chitimacha, Natchez, Timucua, Tunica and Yuchi.
The earliest known inhabitants of the Eastern Woodlands were the Adena and Hopewell, who inhabited the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys between 800 BC and 800 AD.[3] These tribes, as well as the other Iroquoian-speaking people, were mound builders.[4] They also relied on farming to produce food because of the fertile land in the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys.[4] Because of this reliance on farming, these tribes did not migrate like the more northern Eastern Woodlands tribes and instead stayed in one place, which resulted in them developing new social and political structures.[5]
The Eastern Woodlands tribes located further north (Algonquian-speaking people) relied heavily on hunting to acquire food.[4] These tribes did not plant many crops, however, some tribes, such as the Ojibwe, grew wild rice and relied on it as one of their major food sources.[2] The type of animals these tribes hunted depended on the geographic location of the tribe.[5] For example, the tribes located close to the coast hunted seals, porpoises, and whales, while the more inland tribes hunted deer, moose, and caribou.[2][6] The meat was then either cooked to be eaten immediately or it was smoke-dried which preserved the meat for later consumption.[6]