andrew ; went to tell his brother about Jesus
james ; john's brother who left his fishing to become a fisher of men
jude ; was referred to twice by luke as the brother of james
peter ; Jesus changed his name to his
john ; son of zebedee and the "beloved disciple"
thomas ; expected the worst to happen
judas ; a traitor
philip ; from bethsaida , went to tell his friend about Jesus
matthew ; tax collector , a publican
simon ; the Zealot
imporving National Security, increesing International Trade, Promoting World Peace, Promote Democracy Around the World im sure
There were not enough to match up so these were the three that matched up.
John Wycliffe-a priest who translated the Bible into English during the 1300's
Martin Luther- a priest who believed that only faith, not good works, couldn bring salvation indulgence
the Ninety-Five Theses- a document that criticized the Catholic church
1) obstruction of justice in attempting to impede the investigation of the Watergate break-in, protect those responsible, and conceal the existence of other illegal activities; 2) abuse of power by using the office of the presidency on multiple occasions