Answer: Sex ratio
Explanation: The sex ratio or the gender ratio, as some argue, because according to some scientists these two terms are not interchangeable, is the ratio between the number of men and the number of women in the population. This ratio varies and depends on the type of society, i.e. it depends on economic, social, cultural, biological and technological conditions. The ratio of genders in the population, that is, the number of men and women can be affected by migration, higher mortality in some of the gender, as well as the average length of the life of the genders.
pluralistic ignorance
Pluralistic ignorance refers to the social phenomenon that arises when particular members of a group assume that others within their group have comparatively extreme attitudes, values, or behaviors. It is based on the notion that people wrongly guess about the beliefs and values of a group. Therefore, when several members of any group have the same misconception of the group standard, this standard fails to reflect the group's real composite beliefs and attitudes.
Hey there!
A donor is usually a person who willingly donates something to an organization or charity of some sort.
An anonymous donor has donated 25 dollars to our charity.
Thank you!
Sigmund's famous Personality theory involves three different stages. These are all part of what we call the structural model. It is composed of the id, ego and superego.
From the moment we were born, the id is already a part of us. This personality prioritizes the goal of meeting your needs no matter what. It only focuses on itself and its own pleasure. That is why babies are very sensitive and moody when they are not properly cared for. As we grow, we develop the ego personality. At this stage, people are more understanding and complacent. They still try to pursue their pleasures but only if it does not hurt or violate other people's welfare. In the mature stages of our life, we develop the superego. This personality is hinged on the moral principles and beliefs of a person. We develop a sense of conscience.
Answer: achievement motivation.
Achievement motivation typically refers to the motivation if an individual to engaging in achievement. Achievement motivation is the need of a person to meet realistic goals, and be able to experience a sense of accomplishment.
Based on the information given, since we are informed that the more improvement Juan makes, the harder he practices. Therefore, the goal and the behavior by Juan illustrates achievement motivation.