Native American are the people who are also called as Indian Americans and are mostly know for the huge variety in the way they live their lives, the traditions they follow, the clothes they wear and their beliefs but there are certain things which are common among all the tribes of native america which includes that they are involved in the activities of fishing or they do the work of wood for sculpturing or for other deeds.
Tobacco in Colonial Virginia
Contributed by Emily Jones Salmon and John Salmon
Tobacco was colonial Virginia's most successful cash crop. The tobacco that the first English settlers encountered in Virginia—the Virginia Indians' Nicotiana rustica—tasted dark and bitter to the English palate; it was John Rolfe who in 1612 obtained Spanish seeds, or Nicotiana tabacum, from the Orinoco River valley—seeds that, when planted in the relatively rich bottomland of the James River, produced a milder, yet still dark leaf that soon became the European standard. Over the next 160 years, tobacco production spread from the Tidewater area to the Blue Ridge Mountains, especially dominating the agriculture of the Chesapeake region. Beginning in 1619 the General Assembly put in place requirements for the inspection of tobacco and mandated the creation of port towns and warehouses. This system assisted in the development of major settlements at Norfolk, Alexandria, and Richmond. Tobacco formed the basis of the colony's economy: it was used to purchase the indentured servants and slaves to cultivate it, to pay local taxes and tithes, and to buy manufactured goods from England. Promissory notes payable in tobacco were even used as currency, with the cost of almost every commodity, from servants to wives, given in pounds of tobacco. Large planters usually shipped their tobacco directly to England, where consignment agents sold it in exchange for a cut of the profits, while smaller planters worked with local agents who bought their tobacco and supplied them with manufactured goods. In the mid-seventeenth century, overproduction and shipping disruptions related to a series of British wars caused the price of tobacco to fluctuate wildly. Prices stabilized again in the 1740s and 1750s, but the financial standings of small and large planters alike deteriorated throughout the 1760s and into the 1770s. By the advent of the American Revolution (1775–1783), some planters had switched to growing food crops, particularly wheat; many more began to farm these crops to support the war effort. In the first year of fighting, tobacco production in Virginia dropped to less than 25 percent of its annual prewar output.
Dr. vial-Neadeau, a psychiatrist, conducted in-depth interviews of family members of a man who had just killed himself. The term which might best describe this is Psychological autopsy.
One of the best methods for conducting research on successfully died suddenly is psychological autopsy. The technique entails gathering all information on the deceased by conducting organized interviews with family members, close friends, and members of the attending medical staff.
When a psychological autopsy is conducted, certain points should be present, including as , Name, age, residence, and other crucial details that can be used to identify the victim. If known, the circumstances surrounding the death, including its method or cause. a brief description of their past, including their medical conditions, therapies, and treatments.
To learn more about autopsy here
Germany had to pay for their war costs for world war 1