Atoms do not change during a chemical change. They do not either during a physical change.
During a chemical change molecules change but not the atoms. The atoms separate from the original molecules and form new molecules. Then moleculas change but atoms remain being the same before and after the chemical change.
For example, atoms of oxygen in molecules of O2 combine with atoms of hydrogen in molecules of H2 and they form the molecules of water H2O.
The atoms of O in O2 are the same atoms of O in H2O and the atoms of H in H2 are the same atoms of H in H2O. The molecules changed, from H2 and O2 to H2O, but the atoms are the same.
It contains a carbon atom that bonds to six other atoms instead of the four we have been told carbon is limited to. Atoms form molecules by sharing electrons. Carbon has four electrons that it can share with other atoms
Answer: because as CO2 acts as a green house gas is absorbing rather than reflecting the heat energy received where infrared radiation is simply radiation emited by heated /hot body