Answer: In "Beowulf," Grendel is always the villan of the story. He is presented as a man-eating demon, who daily slaughters Danes and feeds on his corpres. He is never anything more than an obstacle for Beowulf to overcome.
On the contraty, in "Grendel," the reader can see different aspects of him. He is presented as an inteligent creature, capable of rational thoughs and emotions.
The story shows Grendel's changes and growth. It explores his relationship with his mother, his fascination with humans -which eventually turns into hatred and disgust-, and provides his point of view about the battle with Beowulf.
Being able to paraphrase what the author is stating
Knowing the purpose of the article.
But in 1057 at Lumphanan in Aberdeenshire on 15th August, MacBeth was finally defeated and killed and Malcolm became King
The correct option is C: Slippery slope. This type of fallacy suggests that a certain or certain events will take place with no real or sufficient evidence to prove so. This is the case, especially with events that seem unlikely to happen given the circumstances. In this example, the reasoning goes like this: if Quentin fails to pass his math test, as a consequence, he will lose the opportunity of going to college and he will have to live in his parent’s basement for the rest of his life. However, the fact that he does not pass this test is not enough evidence that those two situations will actually take place. For example, Quentin may take the test again and try passing it, or if he eventually cannot enter college, he can look for a job that is profitable and that will allow him to become independent and move from his parent’s house, etc.
C. <span>She is thinking about her pig rather than the lesson. Hope I helped! Have a fantastic Friday!</span>