the two programs to play multimedia products are;windows media player and VLC media player and the two programs to create multimedia products are;photoshop and PowerPoint
The binary representation of +3997 is 1111 1001 1101.
In one's complement this is simply adding a sign bit and inverting all the bits:
1 0000 0110 0010
The two's complement is the one's complement plus 1:
1 0000 0110 0011
That's 13 bits. Normally the sign bit would be at an 8, 16 or 32,... bit boundary.
For -436 it's 10 0100 1100 and 10 bits
you can use a vpn (virtual proxy network) that is the easiest way and the fastest
It helps reveal the flow of execution of your program, including results of in-between evaluations. In other words, you can see what your program is doing, and why it takes the decisions it is taking.
If something unexpected happens, the trace will show you the sequence of events that lead to it.