don't eat hard stuff well that's normal and uh try not to lick them a lot
Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently formed militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics, and military strategies, comprising the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. They were known for being ready at a minute's notice, hence the name.[1] Minutemen provided a highly mobile, rapidly deployed force that enabled the colonies to respond immediately to war threats.The minutemen were among the first to fight in the American Revolution. Their teams constituted about a quarter of the entire militia. They were generally younger and more mobile.[citation needed]
The term has also been applied to various later United States civilian-based paramilitary forces to recall the success and patriotism of the originals.
A. our previous knowledge fills in background information whenever we're understanding an event or conversation.
Betsy wanting to bring Jacob a present and then her shaking her piggy bank to check for money will make most people believe Betsy was checking her piggy bank to see if she had money to spend on the gift.
This is due to the fact that as individuals we employ the use of our previous knowledge fills in background information whenever we're understanding an event or conversation.
B. He believed they would help maintain national security.