The resolution of the story is the end. All of the conflicts are solved and subplots are wrapped up. Tension usually builds as the conflict begins and becomes more complicated. The author does this through the sequence of events, language, conflict, sentence structure, tone, and mood. The resolution is not an area of tension in a story. If there is, usually it's so that there can be a sequel.
Joe Biden.
The current president is Joe Biden.
Don't know about name of this book.
The bank that I use is in financial trouble. [remove <em>it</em>]
Police have closed the website <u>where</u> you could get more information. [replace <em>that</em> with <em>where</em>]
Many young people <u>who</u> can't find work are moving abroad. [add <em>who</em>]
The new laws, which are very unpopular, will affect us all. [add commas]
A new factory is opening in the town, <u>which</u> is very good news. [replace <em>that</em> with <em>which</em>]