The answer is "Bring"
"Para mi practica de beisbol yo triego mi pelota" = "For my baseball practice, I bring my ball"
A yo-go verb is when it ends in -go in the yo form.
"yo triego" = "I bring"
notice how it starts with "yo" and ends in "-go"
i think the answer is coherencia
In order to complete this exercise, you have to choose the correct form of the demonstrative pronouns provided for each sentence. <em>In order to choose the correct form of each relative pronoun, you will have to pay particular attention to the gender and number of the noun to which the relative pronoun makes reference.</em>
los estudiantes / este
<em>Los estudiantes estos</em>
los países / aquel
<em>Los países aquellos</em>
la ventana / ese
<em>La ventana esa</em>
los periodistas / ese
<em>Los periodistas esos</em>
el chico / aquel
<em>El chico aquel</em>
las sandalias / este
<em>Las sandalias estas</em>
las chicas / aquel
<em>Las chicas aquellas</em>
The following answers are correct:
LETICIA Me gusta que tú (1) quieras hacer algo, Raúl. Pero me sorprende que (2) digas que hay que cambiar cosas en la universidad. Aquí reciclamos el papel, el plástico...