The hundredth is the same as second decimal point Decimal point means after the period like 0.14, 1 is the first decimal point and 4 is the second decimal point.
In the first one it says 0.144 so 4 is the hundredth, you look at the number next to 4, if it is 5 or greater, it will become 0.15 but it is 4 so it will only become 0.14
In the second one it says 0.28571429 so 8 is the hundredth, you look st the number next to 8, if it is 5 or greater it becomes 0.29 and it is 7 so it will become 0.29
Your favorite restaurant offers a total of 13 desserts, of which 11 have ice cream as a main ingredient and 9 have fruit as a main ingredient. Assuming that all of them have either...