Answer: a. is also known as the "shopkeeper's tort."
What does false imprisonment mean?
This refers to an act of restraining someone in an area where they can not get our such as keeping them in a locked house without their consent with an intention of keeping them as your prisoner since they are kept in a restrictive area.
A tort refers to doing something that expose someone to injury and which can be counted as a civil wrong act or not doing something that can save them from injury. Under tort "injury" refers to invading someone's right whereas harm refers to a loss caused to an individual.
What does shopkeeper tort refers to , I believe this is taken from shopkeeper's privilege law which is used in the United States to restrain someone who stole in your shop for a period of time as long as there is sufficient proof that they stole from your shop.
Explanation: Since air has mass, it also has weight. The pressure of air at a given place is defined as a force exerted in all directions by virtue of the weight of all the air above it.
The weight of a column of air contained in a unit area from the mean sea level to the top of the atmosphere is called the atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure is expressed in various units.
Measurement of Air Pressure
Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the column of air at any given place and time. It is measured by means of an instrument called barometer.
The units used by meteorologists for this purpose are called millibars (mb).
One millibar is equal to the force of one gram on a square centimeter. A pressure of 1000 millibars is equal to the weight of 1.053 kilograms per square centimeter.
In other words, it will be equal to the weight of a column of mercury 75 cm high.
The normal pressure at sea level is taken to be about 76 centimeters (1013.25 millibars).
Vertical Variation of Pressure
In the lower atmosphere the pressure decreases rapidly with height.
Cristopher Mc Candless had a chaotic childhood,marked by a stormy relation between his parents,with a physically and mentally abusive condition,due to frequent differences throughout his parent´s marriage. He lived in a violent home,where his father beat and disparaged his mother, a dark reality that Christopher and his sister were forced to conceal.
His anger might be justified considering the repressed feelings during his childhood and adolescence but the final decision was somehow disproportioned and solved nothing.
As Victorian imperial poetry, "The White Man's Burden" thematically corresponds to Kipling's belief that the British Empire was the Englishman's "Divine Burden to reign God's Empire on Earth"; and celebrates British colonialism as a mission of civilisation that eventually would benefit the colonised natives.
Marketing is the strategy that is used by companies in order to be able to promote, and also influence consumers, to buy that company´s either products, services, or both. Given that the main purpose of marketing is not just to promote, but to convince consumers to buy a company´s products, especially over their competition, then they must use all elements that play a role in a person´s lifestyle to convince them in their favor. Culture is probably one of the most important factors with which a company can convince a consumer.
If a product, or service, is created and geared towards resolving the difficulties of a person, but it does so taking into account that person´s beliefs, customs, traditions and ways of thinking, then it will be much more likely to become the choice for that person. A company will offer its products and services, therefore, taking into account the culture of the people where they are going, and their marketing strategies will focus on those cultural aspects that will further convince the person to buy.