The chair<span> sets the </span>committee's<span> agenda, determining when—or in many states, whether—bills will be considered. Other responsibilities of a </span>committee chair<span>typically include: Calling the </span>committee<span> together to perform its duties. Presiding and maintaining order over meetings.</span>
People in the North and South of the US had different opinions on slavery because most people in the North saw slavery as both a moral evil and a useless institution, since slave labor was very minimal in the northern states. People in the South, however, felt that slavery was an integral part of their well-being and economy, since their economy was almost entirely agricultural, with a large number of slaves being worked in the fields.
Answer: On 1 July 1535, Thomas More stood trial for treason, and he was condemned to death for 'maliciously denying the royal Supremacy'.
He was referring to the American citizens that didn’t participate in the protests against the Vietnam War