1. ??, a Milano
2. in Italia
3. in bicicletta
4. a casa
5. Con chi?, alla montagna, con Anna e Chiara
6. il treno, l'areo
7. in classe, in biblioteca
8. vicino
9. Per chi, per
10. Per chi, per
11. a casa, in biblioteca
12. in estate
13. a un
14. a Milano, a Bologna
15. a Venezia
16. a pomeriggio?
17. vicino
18. a
19. alla montagna con i miei amici
20. in compagna, in citta'
In terms of locations, cities are ALWAYS "a ___". Countries are ALWAYS "in ____"
Nie sądzę, żebym mógł, ale no cóż
The beginning of the 20th century came with the economic crisis for Chile
As you might expect (after reading about the components of emotion), people tend to respond similarly in terms of physiological (or bodily) expression. Also, our ability to recognize and produce facial expressions of emotion appears to be universal. Research conducted with individuals born blind at birth found that the same facial expression of emotions were produced (smiling when happy, frowning when sad), despite these individuals never having the opportunity to observe these facial displays of emotion in other people. This suggests that facial muscles movements involved in generating emotional expressions is universal and not the result of learned behavior. Charles Darwin’s book The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) very similar morphology in the facial expressions of non-human primates like chimpanzees and orangutans to human facial expressions. In fact, there is substantial evidence for seven universal emotions that are each associated with distinct facial expressions. These include: happiness, surprise, sadness, fright, disgust, contempt, and anger (Ekman & Keltner, 1997).