Because they disagreed on how to win the korean war. MacArthur wanted to get down to business and bomb them but truman wanted to wait and piddle around. Hope this helps!
Key events:
1918: world war I ends.
1920: nineteenth amendement ratified.
1928: Herbert Hoover elected president.
1929: Stock Market Crash.
1930: Hawley Smoot Tariff passed.
1932: Franklin Roosevelt elected president.
1933: New Deal begins.
Hope this helps.
That is because Woodraw Wilson,the US president thought that the 14 points can tackle causes that lead to war.
Here are a few examples:
The alliance system- Alliance system was one of the reason that caused the outburst of World War One(WWI),because the nations would drag one another into the war once attacked as signed to the alliance system.
There was a point that secret diplomacy is not allowed to tackle the problem.
Militarism- Armament race had intensified the nation's will to wage a war with their armies and weapons,fighting for national glory as well as defending themselves.
There are solutions in the 14 points as well,such as the reduction of armaments.
Imperialism- Theses nations were the most likely to wage war for national glory and act irrariinal thus have to be tackled.
Points such as Freedom of the seas in peace and war,removal of international trade barriers were aimed towards the issue.
However,as much as he believed that it could create peace,many weren't practical as they cannot be executed easily among countries,given the interests in conflict.
Hope it helps!
common law
Britain and the colonists
- The development of the British colonies, which until the mid-18th century. st. achieved considerable self-government, it was constrained by the arbitrary taxation of the colonists (Stamp Act of 1765, Townshend Act of 1770), who in the 1760s began to resist the centralist and mercantilist policies of British rule.
- Thus, in 1765, the Sons of Liberty were founded in New England, and in the same year the Stamp Act was enacted.
- Congress refused all extraordinary taxes, a boycott of British goods was declared, and is the accepted principle of the No taxation without representation policy of the American colonies.
Learn more on 13 colonies on
Tecumseh was a tribal leader who thought all Native Americans needed to get together to force US to stop its expansion. Together the Native Americans were strong enough that US would stop to avoid an armed conflict.