Under most normal circumstances and as an EMT. You should just turn off power to the fridge using the fuse box. However in this circumstance your best answer is to pull him away using a nonconducting material keeping yourself away from the fridge as much as possible. You would move him a safe distance from the fridge and listen for a pulse, breathing, and just to see if he is conscious. If he is pulseless, Apneic (not breathing), and Unresponsive you start CPR.
Adrenaline regulates the fight or flights response.
<span>Amino acids are the components of proteins, and proteins are one of the main food groups that human require in order to be fit, healthy and strong. There are twenty different naturally occurring amino acids, each one abbreviated to a three letter code, or often just one letter, for example, the amino acid Alanine is abbreviated "Ala", or just "A".
There are nine amino acids that the human body cannot make for itself, and therefore must be obtained from the diet, i.e protein rich foods such as milk, cheese, and lean meats such as beef, and chicken. These nine amino acids are as follows, Leucine (L), Methionine (M), Phenylalanine (F), Valine (V), Threonine (T), Tryptophan (W), ,Isoleucine (I), Lysine (K), and Histidine (H).
If these amino acids cannot be obtained then various developmental problems arise such as having poor muscle mass, fragile hair, poor skin complexion, and quality, and more seriously, problems such as exhaustion/fatigue and dizziness.</span>
they must eat. food=energy
Vaccines have been around since 1796 preventing people from diseases and decreasing death rates. I believe due to the modern vaccines and medicine people have been living longer than life expectancies in the 1700's and 1800’s, which was between 30 and 40 years. Vaccines train the human body to recognize viruses or bacteria and the antigens (molecule capable of inducing an immune response) will start attacking the virus or bacteria before it tries to spread and cause sickness once it is has recognized it. However, vaccines are not always 100% safe because they can come with side effects. For example, the Hepatitis B vaccine had a severe allergic reaction, called anaphylaxis which caused difficulty breathing, dizziness, and skin rashes for a few people.