The non-cooperation movement was a political campaign launched on 4 September 1920, by Mahatma Gandhi to have Indians revoke their cooperation from the British government, with the aim of inducing the British to grant self-governance and full independence (Purna Swaraj) to India.
This came as result of the Indian National Congress (INC) withdrawing its support for British reforms following the Rowlatt Act of 18 March 1919—which suspended the rights of political prisoners in sedition trials, and was seen as a "political awakening" by Indians and as a "threat" by the British hand the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 13 April 1919.

The part of the selection process for all federal judges is that they are being appointed by the president and approved by the Senate
The selection process of all the federal judges which include justice of Supreme court, justices of appellate court and justices of district court, are to be appointed by the President or rather say nominated by the President, which are then approved or rather say confirmed by the Senate members of the U.S Senate.
This selection process has been stated under the United States of American Constitution. The President nominates any candidate which is then required to fill a questionnaire which is then taken for review to the Senate Judiciary Committee
The correct answers are d and e.