The Big Five Model.
This model provides a structure for personality and it states that it can be divided into 5 independent states:
- Extraversion: how an individual tends to act and relate during <em>interpersonal relations</em>, such as communicating with other individuals.
- Agreeableness: a <em>friendly</em> and <em>optimistic</em> individual who tends to help others gets along well with everyone.
- Conscientiousness: relating to the individual's <em>discipline. </em>
- Emotional Stability: also known as <em>neuroticism</em>, it measures one's emotional adjustment against emotional instability, in order to understand the individual and know how he/she could react.
- Openness to experience: it centers on measuring one's <em>tolerance </em>and <em>search of new experiences</em>, as well as trying to get out of a basic routine to try new things.
Nicotine triggers a Decrease in anxiety and a increase in metal alertness..
If I remember correctly its true
An Activist
An Activist is a person who dispels efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in <u>social</u>, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society.
Ms. Weingert is someone who not only discovers an ill, but she takes deliberate effort to ensure that actions are taken to reverse the supposed ill.
option A
The correct answer is option A
the mass conversion of people to Islam by the eighth century offered them many financial and social benefits.
As the people start following Islam, they start supporting the cause of Quran economically and socially.
People start spreading the knowledge of Quran and increasing the conversion of people.