The defeat at Yorktown caused a change in the British government. ... Prime Minister Lord North and the Tory party were ousted, and the Whigs, under Rockingham, assumed power. This new government opened negotiations with the American commissioners in Paris.
Yes!! Education was a big part of their success.
Ethical dilemma
The ethical dilemma is confusion in decision making between two options. This is about unacceptable decisions in ethical perspectives. All people face many ethical problems in everyday life. In this process, most of them come with a straight forward solution.
- To solve the ethical problem:
- To refute the ethical problem.
- To vale the theory to approach.
- To find out the solution.
- Example of ethical dilemma:
- To take the credits of others work
- To offer a bad product to the client so that can benefit from the product
- To utilize the inside knowledge for the benefits of self.
Jung Bahadur
He established the powerful Rana dynasty of hereditary prime ministers. This office remained in his family until 1951
Franklin's neighbor prefers a "speckled ax" because he compares it with his virtue and looks at the speckles ax as a symbol of given up struggle.
- Benjamin Franklin's neighbor is good at associating meanings to the attributes of inanimate things that we use in our day to day lives.
- He seems to be a philosophical chap who likes to use articulate language and make other people wonder where does he get those thoughts from.