Heart disease is prevalent in the United States because... well, we consume a lot of sodium and fat. If you look at the stats, we are the third country with the most obese residents, with a whopping percentage of 36.20% people in the US tipping the scales. Also, people smoke a lot. Not just adults, but teenagers. Because of this, youngsters tend to also get heart disease too, despite the small age. According to, a family history of heart disease increases the rates, especially if one of your relatives got it under the age of 50. Due to the smoking rates at a young age, those diseases tend to transfer and increase the rates of the future US citizens.
Heart disease can affect a lot of organs, but listing them would be a pain. Here are the highlights: The heart and the lungs are intimately connected. This means that having heart disease may lead to having trouble breathing. You may have chest pains, and particularly in woman, it may affect the digestive system and cause stomach pain when eating.
By studying the fossil record we can tell how long life has existed on Earth, and how different plants and animals are related to each other. Often we can work out how and where they lived, and use this information to find out about ancient environments.
<span>In cup fungi, the spore-producing asci are located on the inner surface of the mature fruiting body. Spores are released in a cloud when the asci break open. Gilled mushrooms have basidia located on the gills on the underside of the cap. The spores are dropped from the gills when mature.</span>
The correct option is B. The newest crust on earth is located at the actual site of the floor spreading and as new crusts are formed they replace it. Thus, the older the crust the farther it is from the mid ocean ridge.
Sea floor spreading is a geological process in which tectonic plates splits apart from one another. It occurs at divergent plate boundaries.