After deciding that the Cuban regime could not be replaced through legal means, Castro resolved to launch an armed revolution.
World War 1 ended following a number of won fronts and battles after which numerous governments ended while some countries ceased to exist. Austro Hungary agreed to an armistice while some countries were completely run over. The consequences were severe. Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist, while Germany had to accept numerous conditions such as giving territory, losing their army and weaponry, and numerous other things that left them highly dissatisfied, which only led to the rise of the Nazi party.
Two reasons people joined the crusades were to be forgiven for their sins and to get land overseas.
History. In December 1979, in the midst of the Cold War, the Soviet 40th Army invaded Afghanistan in order to prop up the communist government of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) against a growing insurgency.
Answer:The Republicans put "the chicken in every pot", meaning they wanted to end poverty. He stressed the importance of competition, but he also believed in voluntary cooperation between labor and management.