How do I convert these improper fractions to mixed numbers: 29/4, 13/6, 73/9, 65/8, 17/2, 5/2, 25/4, 43/7, 29/4, 73/9, 19/3, 43/
slava [35]
Divide the numerator by the denominator
use the answer as the whole number
use the remainder as the numerator
keep the deniminator
the answers:
7 1/4
2 1/6
8 1/8
8 1/2
2 1/2
6 1/4
6 1/7
7 1/4 (same question)
8 1/8 (same question)
6 1/3
2 1/5
9 1/10
6 1/6
All you have to do is follow the steps shown in the pictures and you’ll get your answer,
So, for number 3, its 2. and for number 4 its also 2
It's between 2,000 and 3,000. Also 2,020 and 2,030. (The answer is 2,023.) c:
I think something is not right here, the answer supposed to be 8