Liberty I think, makes more sense
Party bosses used a system of coercion and bribes to maintain the power of their political machines. Using violence as a method to ward off opponents or intimidate enemies or potential voters these individuals utilized this method to serve their goals. Additionally party bosses used bribes and other financial incentives to maintain the power of their political machines.
The answer is B the rest of them are English writers and musicians
1. Indo-Aryans
2. Dravidians
3. Mongoloid and Other Minority Groups
Education<span> Data show that the single biggest predictor of whether someone will vote is whether they hold a college degree, Burden notes. College graduates make more money, on average. They are more likely to look for information about politics. And they are more likely to have friends who vote. People without a college degree, he says, are less likely to seek out political information. They also are less likely to have friends who care about politics or talk about voting.</span>