Answer to the following question is as follows;
The first of companions, Enmerkar as well as the Lord of Aratta, explains that writing led to the development of King Enmerkar's messenger having too much to remember while going right back and forward between him as well as the King of the city of Aratta, and therefore Enmerkar had the assignment to create his communications down; and thus writing was born.
C: Placed Mary and William, both Protestants, on the throne.
The Glorrious Revolution, also known as The Revolution of 1688, occurred in England, for religious and political motives, and it changed the way England was governed. King James II was overthown and replaced by his daughter, Mary. <em>Now the monarchy was losing power and the parliament was gaining more, which was a sign of the beginning of a political democracy.</em>
<u>Narmer</u> unified upper and lower Egypt. He was before Menes, who also unified upper and lower Egypt.
Se conoce como período de entreguerras o interbellum al periodo histórico del siglo XX que va de 1918 a 1939. Cronológicamente, se puede establecer desde el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial el 11 de noviembre de 1918 y el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el 1 de septiembre de 1939.
A pesar de la relativa brevedad del periodo, éste representó una época de cambios significativos en todo el mundo. La producción de energía basada en el petróleo y la mecanización asociada se expandieron de forma espectacular, dando lugar a los locos años veinte, un periodo de prosperidad y crecimiento económico para la clase media de Norteamérica, Europa, Asia y muchas otras partes del mundo. Los automóviles, el alumbrado eléctrico y las emisiones de radio, entre otras cosas, se convirtieron en algo habitual entre las poblaciones del mundo desarrollado. Las indulgencias de la época fueron seguidas posteriormente por la Gran Depresión, una recesión económica mundial sin precedentes que perjudicó gravemente a muchas de las mayores economías del mundo.
Answer: Though he had always hated slavery, President Lincoln did not believe the Constitution gave him the authority to bring it to an end