b. unskilled labor, skilled labor, and professionals
- As the people services include the semi and skilled based works done they include Lawn care, security guards, and skilled labor as plumbing and catering and those of the professionals include the accountant, lawyers, and the managing consultants.
The proceeds from the simple discount note is $16380
, while that of simple interest is $19500
Simple discount notes could likened to a bank loan where interest on the loan is taken from the borrowed funds before disbursement to the loan's beneficiary,hence proceeds from such notes is face value of the notes less interest taken in advance.
While on the other hand,the proceeds from simple interest note is par or face value.
The discount or interest is =8%*$19500=$1560 for one year,but $3120 for two years($1560*2)
The proceeds on the simple discount note =$19500-$3120
The proceeds on the simple interest note is face value of $19500
Company quotes an interest rate 17 percent on one-year loans.
Borrow value=$34000
interest rate of company in one year=17 percent
Total interest in a year =$34000×
total interest=$5780
Total payment in one year=$34000+$5780
Total payment=$39780
You will pay $39780/12 or $3315.00/month according to company statement.
Answer: Option (C) is correct.
Given that,
Old market price of stock = $15
New market price of stock = $18
Here, we assume that EPS be $5.
Price-earning ratio at old price = 
= 3
Price-earning ratio at New price = 
= 3.6
Hence, price-earnings ratio increases.
Residual risk
Risk is generally defined as the likelihood that some harm can happen. In quantitative evaluations, risk is defined as the probability that some negative event happens . Residual risk is the threat that remains after all efforts to identify and eliminate risk have been made. There are four basic ways of dealing with risk: reduce it, avoid it, accept it or transfer it. Since residual risk is unknown, many organizations choose to either accept residual risk or transfer it for example, by purchasing insurance to transfer the risk to an insurance company. Residual risk is the remaining risk that exists after all hazard mitigation measures have been implemented or exhausted in accordance with the applicable safety requirements and the project risk management process.