Between the 1200 and 1450, the Sub-Saharan African region was thriving with trade.
Powerful Kingdoms such as Aksum existed in modern day Ethiopia and Sudan while other kingdoms Da'amat further south-west.
While the period was generally known for powerful Empires in Asia and the Middle East, the Sub Saharan countries were able to develop thriving trading business that included salt, agriculture products, salves etc.
Their biggest achievement was of maintaining sophisticated trading links between one another and minimal conflict.
B) The ziggurat’s height made it a focal point of the city. It was a symbol of theocracy giving recognition to the deity’s political authority.
The ziggurat is a pyramidal tower that is characteristic of the cultures of Mesopotamia, particularly those located in Iraq. These structures were built from approximately 2200 until 500 BCE. The ziggurat was a focal point in the city, and it is believed that it was considered a symbol of theocracy and the political power of gods. Approximately 25 iggurats have been discovered, although none of them are preserved to their original height.
Information on them is often not backed up with reliable sources.
- Crowd-sourced websites are open for everyone to feed information to. Most of the people who feed this information do not fetch it from sources that are authentic and reliable.
- They either try to put up their personal experiences or the information they heard somewhere, someday.
- Very few who genuinely understand the importance of the correctness of information take efforts to look up for the information through reliable sources to answer the queries and questions.
By the 1660s, London was the largest city in Britain. The Great Fire of London started at the bakery of Thomas Forriner ( or Fraynor ) who was the king`s baker, on Pudding Lane on September 2, 1666. It spread rapidly across the City if London. On September 6, the fire was brought under control. About 13,500 houses and 87 churches were destroyed. Answer: The Great Fire of London.