For the Puritans, it was to get away from the King and get religious freedom, for the Separatists, it was for freedom from the kings rule. So the answer is probably Freedom.
There were many issues that lead to the American Revolution. Some being: Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, the Stamp Act, the Sugar Act, and the Tea Act.
Dave Brubeck
David Brubeck was an American jazz pianist and composer, considered one of the foremost exponents of cool jazz. Many of his compositions have become jazz standards including "In Your Own Sweet Way" and "The Duke". Brubeck's style varied from refined to bombastic, reflecting both his mother's classical training and his particular improvisational skills.
It is a nucleic acid.
It is found in DNA. It is used to build an organism's structures.
It allows parents and their young to have similar characteristics.
The genetic code can be defined as the set of rule that are used for encoding the genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA. These are translated in the protein by the living cells.
The genetic code is related to the tri-nucleotide sequences that are called as codons.
Each triplet of nucleotide is indicative of amino acid.
The specific amino acids are responsible for transferring the traits to humans. This causes the offspring to acquire similar traits as present in humans.
cd: Surnia
Disminución de poder.
La fragmentación del poder significa disminución del poder o la autoridad. La fragmentación del poder ocurre cuando otra institución poderosa reduce los derechos de esa persona o gobierno y aumenta los derechos de otros. Esta fragmentación provoca una menor influencia de ese gobierno en su pueblo. Esta fragmentación del poder es buena porque el gobierno o el individuo no toman decisiones equivocadas.