1. leo 2. toca 3. caminábamos 4. escriben 5. vemos
pues eso
José, you're from Puerto Rico, right?
Yes because?
Well, can you tell me what an employer's party is?
How not! It is a party in honor of the patron saint of a
place. The patron saint of Puerto Rico, for example, is
Saint John Baptist.
Is there a party in your honor?
Yes, on June 24. For a whole week there are parties.
What do they do to celebrate the party?
Well, there is an interesting tradition. St. John's Day all
We go to the beach and at midnight we enter the sea.
Do you always swim on St. John's Day?
I didn't say we swam. I said we entered the sea.
Do you know how? We walk back until we reach the sea.
And why do they walk backwards?
Entering the sea thus brings us good luck during the year.
Well, if you want the answer for "I would tell them to know what they want to do before going to college", then it's " Les diría que sepan lo que quieren hacer antes de ir a la universidad "
مرحبا كيف حالى لماذا احتاج مساعدة لاجتياز مستوى ماين كرافت؟
1. ¿De donde eres tú?
2. ¿Uds. adonde van los fines de semana?
3.¿Uds. cuando van al centro comercial?
4.¿Cuantas clases tienes?
5.¿Que haces después de las clases?
6.¿Con quien vas tú al centro comercial?