In a free enterprise system, the consumers decide over everything connected to buying the products, such as 1) which goods or services to buy at all 2) where and from whom to get those goods and services 3) how much to buy and 4) what is an acceptable prize for them.
The energy from water can be harnessed to be useful in a variety of different ways through water wheels or in hydroelectricity generating facilities. As water moves through some body, such as a river, its potential and kinetic energy vary. Additionally, if the area through which the water is moving changes size the pressure can also change. A device such as a turbine, can harness the kinetic and potential energy to be transformed into a type of useable energy, such as electricity
From about 1900 to 1965, most African Americans were not allowed to vote in the South. White people in power used many methods to keep black people from voting. Some of these methods also prevented poor white people from voting. Today there are still laws and customs that make it harder for African Americans, other minorities, and some whites to vote.