The Vietnam war, Korean war, Truman doctrine, and marshal plan were all attempt to get all of Europe in debt to the USA and allow the Americans to dominate it.
The house in "The Deserted House" is a metaphor for a dead body or dead person.
The poem opens with "life and thought have gone away" speaking of a person who has died and no longer has life or thoughts. It continues in Lines 1-3 describing the emptiness of the house, showing the stillness and emptiness of death.
In Line 4 "The house was builded of the earth, And shall fall again to ground." refers to a body being buried, similar to the common funeral phrase "from dust to dust"
Line 5 refers to the person in Heaven- "in a city glorious-- A great and distant city--have bought A mansion incorruptible." Incorruptible in this line means everlasting or unable to decay, showing that the person, (the "mansion") will stay there forever.
The poem ends with "Would they could have stayed with us!" in reference to the person who has died-wishing they had not "moved" to heaven and instead could have stayed alive.
Everyone is meant to let our own lights shine so we can give permission to others to do the same. Don’t be afraid of your deepest fear.
Hello, There! My name Is Rocky and I'm here to help! <3
A theme is the purpose of the written work. It is what the author is trying to make you aware of. Usually the theme can be written in one or two succinct sentence. A summary is to describe the main points of the writing, including its purpose and how it achieves it.
Some More Information!
Theme is an underlying message or the big idea of a story. This message could tell more about human nature or life in general.
A summary tells the reader the main action of the work without the reader having to read through the entire work in order to know more about it. A summary may be used to attract a potential reader’s attention to the work and is a tool for understanding what may be found inside of the work.