It boycotted the 1980 summer Olympics
Wary of Strong National Government
That said, during its short lifespan, the Articles of Confederation became increasingly ineffective at governing the continually growing American states. The main cause of this ineffectiveness stemmed from a lack of a strong, central government.
Was the protists religion that went through the 19th century
If you aren't great at your passion you should still keep doing it, practice makes perfect. Don't forget that. Plus no one can just ace a test without studying, or learn to play soccer without practice. If you truly care about your passion, I know you'll improve.
“You are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by all, shown to be a letter of Christ... written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God." (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) means:
The saints who are now transformed by the Spirit of God, the product and result of the gospel the apostles preached and have become dear and recommendable by the apostles are now the Bible(epistle) that people see and read.
This particular passage reveals:
1. The people that received transformation- the saints
2. The power behind their transformation - the Spirit of God
3. The preachers that brought the transformation - the apostles
4. The product (result) of their transformation - they became epistles read by all