Open listing
In an open listing, the seller of the house has two or more brokers trying to complete the transaction, and only the broker who manages to sell the property receives a commission.
Patsy has an open listing because 1) she has two brokers competing for selling the house 2) she will only pay a commission to the broker who completes the transaction successfully.
A lawyer. being a lawyer is sort of like an argumentative writing. and basically you are on our partners side
Causes of unemployment
Occupational immobilities. ...
Geographical immobilities. ...
Technological change. ...
Structural change in the economy. ...
See: structural unemployment.
Based on the question given the best answer would be:
invalid because of false causality.
The logic of this statement argues that the person will do
well if they take the class of dr. jones which their friend had passed. It is
false because the situation is uncertain and it’s an assumption that he/she
will pass or fail the class.