there were weeds IN the flower garden
An "iamb" is a word or set of words that goes 'da-DAH', like "my KNEE",
or "your FACE", or "his DOG", or "come HERE".
Many poems have the same rhythm (beat) in each line, and there are different
rhythms they can have. I can show you that, if I take a poem you know, and
recite it first with the correct beat, and then with the wrong beat.
Here's the correct beat:
MAH-ree HAD a LIT-tle LAMB its FLEECE was WHITE as SNOW.
For the wrong beat, let's use 'iambs' like I explained up above:
ma-REE had A lit-TLE lamb ITS fleece WAS white AS snow.
If a poem is in the rhythm of "iambic tetrameter", then each line is
made out iambs, and there are 4 of them ("tetra") in each line.
Now I have to try and find an example for you. Thank you very much.
I'll make one up. Remember, an iamb goes 'da-DAH":
my DOG came IN-to SCHOOL one DAY
and CHASED the HAM-sters ALL a-ROUND.
the PRIN-ci-PLE came IN-to CLASS
and TOOK my DOG down TO the POUND.
(The dog 'pound' is the shelter for stray dogs.)
it would be id i believe since it has nothing to do with his ego. so it would eliminate both ego and superego.
you're combining different things together to make one new thing.
Precision is more like focused.