As this question falls under the topic of “Grammar” in this application, one may want to apply proper punctuation and grammar for a clear response . In the best interest, one would write differently than one would speak.
What are a few examples of social injustice with a narrow scope of focus?
Social injustice can be defined as unjust acts or occurrences that relate to or surround any persons, organizations, or groups within society. As this term within itself is an enormous debate, examples as a whole would be difficult to narrow down. Perhaps, choose a smaller topic within the larger scale. For example, the injustice against women has a wide array of debating issues. One aspect is the stigma surrounding menstruation. One piece of research material depicting this issue is the documentary, ”Period. End of Sentence.”
some are civil rights, poverty, racism, bullying, income and opportunity inequality, immigration, marriage equality, homelessness, LBGT issues, abortion, education.