Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
B. By showing how weak and indecisive the sisters are
Katherine Mansfield's short story <em>The Daughters of the Late Colonel</em><em> </em>is about the two daughters of the dead Colonel and their indecisiveness in anything, be it about their father's funeral, or distributing his things or even letting go of their maid.
The sisters' indecisiveness has also been the result of being constantly under their father and focusing their lives around his. None had done really anything for the sole purpose of their lives had been to please and help their father. And once he's gone, none knows how to fully operate on their own, feeling the presence of their father even after he's dead. And in their indecisiveness, the author Katherine conveys the theme of the whole story.
Thus, the correct answer is option B.
Then turn the channel tuner to a station and make sure not to have the plug out or off
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