1983-1984 was when it was discovered
They must preform photosynthesis so they can acquire energy and nutrition.
1- Presence of phenotypic variation
2- some phenotypic variation due to genetic variation
3- the given trait has an impact on fitness
The evolutionary theory by natural selection proposed by Darwin in his publication “On the origin of species” (1859) is based on a series of assumptions that enable to understand the amazing biodiversity on the Earth. First, individuals are not identical among them, i.e., there exists variation in the traits among the members of a given population, species, etc. Second, phenotypic variation leads to differential survival and reproduction of the organisms that are best fitted to the environment (i.e., competence among the members of the population). Finally, phenotypic traits are passed from generation to generation (i.e., phenotypic variation is inheritable), thereby favoring offspring from parents more adapted to the environment.
Answer: Lunar dust is made up of silicates
Explanation: 42% oxygen
21% silicon
13% iron
8% calcium
7% aluminium
6% magnesium
Glycogen and triglycerides
Living organisms employ two main kinds of energy storage. Energy-rich molecules such as glycogen and triglycerides stock energy in the formation of covalent chemical bonds. Cells integrate such molecules and store them for the later discharge of the energy.