Depression is a stronger way of recession. It is an expanded recession that can last for years, where economy crashes. Unemployment goes high, real estate goes down.
Depression can last for years and it can cause many side effects. One of them was The Great Depression that happened in 1929 and devastated the US economy.
Men didn't allow women to get as much education men. Women didn't like the fact that men got the chance to vote and they didn't. In the 1800's Men were sexist, it's wrong! Forever will it be wrong! I HATE SEXISM! EVERYONE ARE EQUAL MEN, WOMEN, BLACK, WHITE, JAPANESE, CHINESE, ASIA, AND SO FORTH. Literally everyone is equal. And I hate racism as well.
Jamestown was established in 1607, 13 years earlier than Plymouth. The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth to establish a colony in “North- ern Virginia” in December 1620. By this time, tobacco was Virginia's cash crop, the first Africans had arrived and representative government had been established in Virginia.
Answer: Usually in a traditional crime scene you can move through the process slowly. When working in a deployment zone/ hot zone you have a very little time, just minutes, to get in, collect all the evidence and move out of the scene quickly and safely. They are also limited in equipment along with vehicle/ transportation and safety.