Sugar cane has a lot of iron in it which helps oxygen distribution in the brain.
Genetic Organization of Prokaryotes Aids Fast Generation Times. Compared to eukaryotes, prokaryotes usually have much smaller genomes. On average, a eukaryotic cell has 1000 times more DNA than a prokaryote. This means that less DNA must be replicated (copied) with each cell division in prokaryotes
Hypothesis: If plants are placed in white light, then the will grow better than plants in other colours of light.
Independent variable: Colour of light.
Dependent variable: plant growth.
Control group: the plant in the closet.
Experimental group: the plant is the other light colours.
Constants: miracle grow and amount of water.
Measurements: height of plants.
recreational - enjoyment i.e. weed, alcohol (legal)
shrooms, lsd (illegal)
liver or lung failure
stimulant- helps asthma and other things example. dexedrine
the effects of taking stimulants is loss of appetite, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and body temperature, interrupted sleep patterns, panic, hallucinations, and irritability.
also a drug is a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.