Hey There Mate!
The war began in Europe in September 1939, when Germany, under Chancellor Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany but took little action over the following months. In 1940, Germany launched its next initiative by attacking Denmark and Norway, followed shortly thereafter by attacks on Belgium, the Netherlands, and France.
I wish you the best of luck Champ!
Serpent Mound crater, also known as the Serpent Mound Disturbance, is an eroded meteorite impact crater in Ohio, United States. It lies largely in Adams County, with the northern part mostly in Highland County, except for a small northeast part in Pike County.
To stop the spread of communism.
The United States have an infamous history throughout the 20th century of meddling in the internal affairs in countries all over the world. Some oft hose countries were Guatemala and Iran. There were two reasons as to why the United States engaged into overthrowing their governments, one being the economic factor, and the other being the military factor.
First of all, the United States were trying to stop the spread of communism, and even more so the Soviet influence in other countries. They were opposing the communism mainly because it was endangering the economy, or rather the global trade and market. In order to prevent this, as well as to secure military presence in strategically important places, the United States engaged into overthrowing governments, including the ones in Iran and Guatemala. The overthrowing was done by financing opposing groups, tactical support, providing finances and weaponry...
The pantayong pananaw (also called Bagong Kasaysayan, or New History) is currently the most theoretically elaborate articulation of an indigenized social science perspective that offers a viable alternative to (Western) positivist social science.
Among the options given on the question the answers are,
1.Protected by First Amendment Rights
2.Influences policy
3. Influences public opinion on a massive scale.
Explanation: The media is called as the mirror of the society. Media is performing their responsibility as the medium to serve the news to the people and also express the opinion of the people regarding any issue.
In USA media is protected by first amendment: The first amendment was adopted on December 15,1791. It is said on the amendment that the freedom of speech and the freedom of press should be secured by government. No laws should be enacted which hamper the freedom of press.
*influence policy: Media has a strong role on the policy making of government. Because when government makes any policy it published to media. Then it is criticized and reviewed by the media. As a result media influences the policy.
*media influences public opinion on a massive scale: Media makes the news for the public. Public gets the news of national and international affairs from the media. The reaction of the public is based on how the news is published on media.